I need people to come forward about the stalking and harassment that is happening to me

I need people to come forward about the stalking and harassment that is happening to me. I’m being stalked and harassed in order to cause me distress and cause me to do something to get put in prison or killed. My PTSD and psychosis is being used against me, and people are creating lies about me to assassinate my character because they do not want to deal with me because they don’t understand. I was diagnosed with SZ so that my pleas for help can go ignored.

I’m being accused of being a dangerous person, a racist, a sexual pervert etc. I’ve been being poisoned for four years and it is making me very sick and it is taking it’s toll on my health.

Everywhere I go people know my face, my name, my family, where I live and they recognize my car. I don’t understand this at all and I am very sad that this is happening. Please come forward and stop ignoring that this is happening.

Go to the doc you must