I decided to quit smoking do to that fact that if I don’t stop I’m going to need heart surgery. Also being test for throat cancer. Its been 4 hours and I’m already having a tough time! I’m shaking, anxiety is really bad, I’m coughing phlegm non stop. I’m really scared about this, some advice and tips would help.
have you tried nicotine replacement techniques like gum, patch or anything else? i managed to get some at the pharmacy and that helped me to stop, i fell off the wagon and went back and stopped again, it took a couple of times to stop.
3 days in usually the addiction part. The rest is habits and the brain.
It’s tough. I got off on champix/chantix or whatever it’s called in your neck of the worlds. It went really well for me and never looked back. It’s tough to do it cold turkey. It really is an insidious drug. Withdrawal is something that you can’t really avoid…Dont’ be hard on yourself. If you can’t do it slowly titrate down on the cigs. Try the chems to help.
Sorry your suffering but giving up is so good for you.
@daydreamer I’ve tried all of them some I get bad side effects others just don’t work.
@rogueone thank you for your support, it’s just really hard on me when I’ve been this big time athlete and now I can barley run half a mile.
Hey @Longhorn21 Yeah it’s nuts but it really, truly is so good for you to give up especially if you’ve health concerns. Hang in there and be strong. It’s never easy but just take it a day at a time…Most people relapse when giving up. That is why I say don’t be hard on yourself. It’s a nasty chemical. It operates on receptors in our brains which is interesting. Tabacco came from South America I thought…?
Be strong but don’t be afraid to ask for help from your doctor.
yeah i hope you can do it,
i’m trying to help a friend stop (or at least cut down) he is trying to switch to the vape which is much easier on the lungs, i vape a little but hardly any,
you can cut down the nicotine gradually on them as well, i have 0 nicotine but there are different strengths,
The hospital I went to gave me cough syrup and I just realized that the syrup they game me was codeine. A ■■■■■■ opioid to replace another habit! Are you serious!!!
I quit a month ago and I did cold turkey. I sucked on throat lozenges or jolly rancher suckers. Now I don’t even do that. The first two weeks were tough but much easier now.
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