I need advice

I was diagnosed with catatonic schizophrenia (I have symptoms of them all though) in 2016 i think.eh anyway I’ve never been able to talk to someone with anything like that.

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Hey welcome to the board @Thaze

I am sure you will find someone to chat with, with your same issues

Thanks homie, idk how site works but hmu if you’re ever free and bored or w.e

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No worries. Avoid religion and politics, and you’re good. Got to hit the sack for now, chat again soon

Gn, and I ain’t like that thanks tho


If you find yourself in need of help, just tag a moderator. Type the @ symbol, then our names

@anon4362788 , @Ninjastar , @Moonbeam, and @rogueone

Enjoy your stay with us!

Ty… I feel intrusive doing that so idunno lol thanks tho

It’s not intrusive. That’s our job. We’re here to help.

Oh. Didn’t know that. Mind if I ask a few questions? There’s a lot going on in my head rn. Hasn’t been like thissense the start of it

Go for it. I can’t promise I can answer them, but I can try. So can others.

Welcome @Thaze

How are you today? Also what questions do you have, and what advice do you need?

Welcome to the forum @Thaze!

Hi @Thaze. Welcome to the forum! What’s on your mind?

welcome to the forum @Thaze =)

Hi there, welcome.

I dont have catatonia on meds anymore. But sometimes I feel too slow, mind becomes slow but no freezing like off meds.

Welcome to the forum! People here love to give advice. Feel free to ask questions

Welcome to the forum. :dog::dog::dog:

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