I must confess

Oh holy potato i must confess…

I go on anti christian rants to get topics closed…i only do it when the topic is obviously going to promote fights amongst members…nothing against the tc or any posters…

Anyone else wanna confess?


Got another one…holy spud with lots of eyes…i only pretend to to not like the newer ninja turtles…mostly because im supposed to and partly because the director seems to exceed the maximum amout of slow motion explosions i can handle…

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I used to be a scripture spouting fundamentalist “Christian” until I realized the error of my ways.


I have a lot to say about cutting but I never say it because I think it’s a contagious act and most help offered only makes the problem worse.


I must confess. I mostly ignore everyone on the forums except for PMs nowadays because things have been so weird around here.


In the name of the potato, the spud and the hole-y dirt. :wink: I confess that my life, my mind, is always on the brink. It feels like balancing on a frayed rope much of the time. But I don’t want my angel to ever go away. I don’t crave normalcy. I don’t know what that is.

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when I was a kid, I used to pretend I didn’t understand Math and Science so that
my teacher would give me extra attention, and I might be able to go to the chalk board.


I confess that sometimes I stay up all night long and sleep all day long.

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I confess that at least a million times a day I see something I could do that would be an act of good and just don’t do it because it would be a mild inconvenience to me. I feel like I’m being tested and then failing that test everyday.

I confess!!! It was me!!! I typed this in my underwear


I must confess-

lol lol nah brah. I don’t want ban.

Edit: sorry ninjastar for direct reply: was quoting you but didn’t.

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Lol I must confess… When I had a Facebook…I went to Finland’s tourism page and said I loved Finland and all its people…but those sweds don’t know snakes from dildos… It had the most likes and comments I had ever gotten until it was deleted…lol… Also Ive decided to no longer talk about religion on here… There are many good religious people especially on here… @Resilient1 I know its late but I’m sorry… And I enjoy your company and input on things… I find no issue with anyone’s religion…


I must confess…
I still believe
When I’m not with you I lose my mind
Give me a siiiign

:flushed: :sparkling_heart:


I confess that I always tear up when listening to Beyoncé’s Halo. :sob:


Moved to Lounge. :blush:

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hit me baby one more time!!!

Sorry I had to


I just want to know when is it going to end.

When is what going to end, the confessing? I’m confessing I’d rather not spill my guts.

Lol @anon9798425 lol moved to lounge 3 years later lol


I must confess that I’ve never heard from the other admin of this forum: happycollision