I might die (TW drugs)

I got an appointment with rehab monday the 25., and i’m scared ■■■■.

If they turn me down, or won’t give me opioid maintenance therapy (methadone or suboxone) I will probably die.

I have high hopes for a stable, drug free future, but I need them to listen to me. I hope and think they will.


It’s a good thing that you have a rehab appointment soon.
Good luck with everything @bluebutterfly


You’re not dying or going to die for a long time. You have a great life ahead of you.

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Oh my lovely - you aint gonna die. Opiod addiction is the pits. But you are doing the right thing for your recovery. You should be proud of yourself. Ive lost 5 people over heroin a few years ago, and now its even worse with the Fentynal.

Be proud that you had the brains to take a pro-active approach.

I wish you the very best.


You are not going to die.

You’re going to feel like you’re dying,

But you’ll survive withdrawals if you have to.

I did.

Several times.

I always used The Thomas Recipe.


Thanks @Naarai and @NotSeksoEmpirico @Wave

You are right seth, lets take a pro active approach


Thanks, just googled the Thomas Recipe and i have got a load of benzos and vitamins

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It’s not fun or easy,

But it’s a lot better than going it alone.

Best of luck, I know this is difficult.

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You can do it I got off opiates with the help of suboxone then I stopped using suboxone when I got down to 2mg a day. Now I take kratom to help with cravings

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Hi Bluebutterfly
Sorry to hear that you’re Not feeling well. I really hope rehab will help you. Please let us know here on the forum how it goes.

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I will @anon8091425 , feeling better today, just panicked yesterday. Hope everythings fine with you.

How does suboxone feel @Dsyncd can you feel it at all, or does it just stop the cravings?

I have only tried methadone in the past, it stopped my cravings and killed the depression instantly. And yes, i think i can do it, thanks.
I have heard good things about kratom, but don’t take too much, its hard for the liver

Good luck on your therapy @bluebutterfly .i hope everything goes well🙏