I’m so angry 😡 how my daughter was conceived

Via date rape. I was getting ready to break up with the guy and we fall asleep at my apartment. I wake up he’s on top of me. I freeze. I can’t move. I got pregnant that day. I was trying at the time to transfer to Madrid University as an exchange student.

I can’t tell my daughter even though I’m sure her dad talks bad about me. If I tell her that would hurt her.


I’m so ■■■■■■■ sorry

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Hmm. that’s a tough one. I don’t know how old your daughter is but maybe wait until she is a grown woman and can handle that kind of information before telling her.

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I am truly sorry @Loke :green_heart:

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It’s hard to process. I loved that little baby. All7 pounds 7.5 ounces of her … but thank you

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She’s 24. I’m afraid that if she finds out it’ll destroy her self esteem.

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شكراً صديقي
:stuck_out_tongue: I hope I spelled that right. I hope you read Arabic!!!

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I can’t read Arabic @Loke but thanks

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Haha :laughing: ok :ok_hand: that’s what I get for assuming!!

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What does it say?

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Oh. Oopsy I thought you would google it. It says “Thanks my friend”. “Shukran Sadikee”

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Aww thank you @Loke :pray:

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I’m sorry Loke . Hugs to you

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Thanks. I wanted to go to Madrid so bad but I had to drop out of college and get a job to take care of my baby. I don’t even leave my house now so Madrid isn’t in my future. Well actually I kept two jobs when Sparrow was a baby.

I think her life would’ve been better if I’d let her be adopted but that never crossed my mind. And she was stubborn as a mule!!!


You’re strong and a wonderful mom. Maybe one day you could still go to Madrid… sight see and tour the city.


Oooh and find me a sweet highly opinionated Spanish dude !!! Amen!


Starlet’s mom told him that was how he was conceived. It has done a number on his self esteem


There’s no need for that. My family doesn’t even know. Just my sister and my dad.

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Does he like feel guilty?

I think if I had found out something like that from my mum it would really upset me. My mum has told me about her abuse trauma (not by my dad, by someone else) but I found it hard to hear. The first couple of times she talked about it I dissociated and couldn’t remember the conversation. But now I am able to listen to her properly and I think being able to talk about it has brought us closer together. But even so, I’m glad she waited until I was older. It was hard to hear.