I love you I love you I love you

It went good.
The guy training me was lovely. I was glad about that. He was very understanding about me taking notes and photos on my phone. I tried using the equipment but was not very good. Hopefully today will be another training day so that I get the chance to practice with his guidance.

Thanks for asking %)


good luck with the other training day =)

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Thankyou @lekkerhondje

I think it will go well as long as it actually is a training day today and I’m not on my own already.


Spread the love.

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You rock out loud :blush: 151515

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I find it interesting that some people can express love freely and others are not free to. As if it obligates them, or means more to them. When I say I love you I’m saying I accept you the way you are. So it’s simple for me. I have no agenda for you. I’ve noticed a lot throughout my life that there are different meanings for love for everyone. I’ve heard other languages have different words for different types of love. That would be helpful for us English speakers. I Ioooooove you.

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Aw cheers so do ya!

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I love you too Leafy. You’re a beautiful person.

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Yea it really does have a lot of interpretations that word.

Even when I use it, it can have different interpretations, but all of them are positive :blush:

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I appreciate a lot reading you post. I really like who you are. :blush:

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I love everyone until they give me a reason not to.

My childhood cat’s personality rubbed off on me in a big way :stuck_out_tongue:

This forum means a lot to me. It’s like those folks in the 70s and such that used CB radios to socialize.

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