It’s so expensive though.
I concur
You could make it at home.
starbucks vente’ mocha frappacino. miss the hell outta those things.
I like coffee Frappuccino with whipped cream and caramel sauce
I have no idea how to do that.
Put some ice in the blender add milk and coffee
Brew a pot of hot coffee. Get a jug. Put the coffee and your milk and sugar in. Then put the jug in the fridge.
I tend to use those Nescafe sachets, and occasionally some coffee using the cafetière . I’m not sure those are suitable for making iced coffee with.
I have tried iced coffee but I have a blender and put a scoop of ice cream , sugar, milk and instant coffee… Blend it … It’s delish.
Iced coffee is best nade with cold brew. And cold brewis simple to make.
1 cup coffee grounds to 2 quarts water.
Put in a jar, stir well.
Pop in fridge for 24 hours.
Strain with a fine strainer or use cheesecloth.
Will keep for at least 7 days in fridge. Makes delicious cold brew drinks.
I drink my coffee iced at least 80-90% of the time! I love it too!
Cold brew has a distinct taste. I had so much of it that I can’t drink it anymore. My stomach just eventually turned on it
I’m not a fan of iced coffee. It’s just too strange, like eating chips/fries with chocolate sauce,
I used to love it but i cant drink coffee anymore so i drink cold tea
Why can’t you make your own? Cold-brewed coffee is dead simple and darn tasty.
I’m sad at this time because my fridge has no room for the big jar.
I’m also happy that my fridge is too full.
I’m not sure I’m talking about the same kind of iced coffee as the rest of you. I don’t think the average person from the UK is anywhere near as knowledgeable about the subject as an American or Canadian. For me it’s very milky,cold, not very strong coffee.
If you have a coffee maker, you could brew your coffee as you usually do.
Add plenty of ice to a heat-proof glass, add your milk and sweetener if you take them, and finally pour in the coffee and stir.
It’s easyish and tastes pretty good
Sometimes I use vanilla ice cream in the blender with the coffee and milk, to sweeten it. Works like a charm.