I’ll admit I was a poor sport. When I lost a competition, I would get a lump in my throat feeling sorry for myself. After awhile, I lost all the time. I was definitely in the “loser” category. It even got comfortable. Then I found out losers can’t make it in the world and I had my breakdown.Now, I analyze how I lost and how it damaged me and what, if anything, I can do about it now. I’m not really that motivated but i know and am more accepting of the score.
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Why are you saying losers can’t make it in the world? Babe Ruth had the most home runs in the league, but he also had the most strikes.
You can’t win without losing sometimes, and if you want to win the most, you’ll probably have to lose the most in the process.
It was the way losing took a hold of my mind. At the same time, I was desperately trying to impress someone, anyone, mother, myself. I was a defeatist thinking that for all my efforts, I could not succeed. It was true that I was an unrecognized invalid and COULDN’T succeed. But got pushed and shoved around by the blind until my psychotic break ended it all…
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