I learned today that

Jogging the day after anesthesia is really hard. I felt like my lungs were going to burst. But I got through it.


Are you sure you’re not overdoing things? You’ve posted a few times about the impact jogging is having on you.

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Did your doctor approve of you running? I think I would ask him first. You might bust a stitch or it might interfere with the healing process.


I’m sick of being fat so I’m determined to keep going. I’ve been insulted enough times about my weight that I’m totally done being fat. I don’t want to live humiliated by myself anymore. Plus, my hip and foot are fine now. I just had to add more stretching to my routine

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No. I didn’t ask. You’re right though. I’ll do that

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I wish losing weight was easier.

I lost a lot of weight in solitary confinement because dinner was terrible and I only ate half of it. But now that I’m out and surrounded by good food, I can’t replicate it for the life of me.

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It’s hard to restrict calories. But I’m used to it now. It just takes time

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I’ve only had one surgery, when i had my gallbladder removed. I certainly didn’t feel like jogging after that. Please take care of yourself and don’t overdo it.

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The surgery was done through my urethra so I think I’m ok jogging. But I’ll ask my dr to be sure

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I want to lose weight as well. I’ve lost 30lbs but I need to lose a lot more. Would you be interested in a online motivational partner? We could just talk about our goals and share progress with one another. I completely understand if you wouldn’t feel comfortable doing that but I could use all the support I can get! P.s. being a new/ basic member, I haven’t learned how to send private DM’s yet. Sorry

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Sure. I’ll send you a private message

So the surgery went well? Cheers!

It did. But the urologist has no idea why my bladder looks the way it does. He’s never seen it before in all his years as a urologist. He sent multiple biopsies to multiple labs to try to figure it out

Every time after I’ve had anesthesia I get the chills very easily. Not sure why. But I will shiver and not be able to get warm. This will happen over the course of a week or two.

I also throw up with it. They have to keep suction ready.


Had a cherry flavored anesthesia for my first eye surgery at 7 years old. Guess what puked my guts out forever afterwards and now every cherry is on my sh!t list.

But vomiting during surgery sounds very risky. Wow! I never even thought of that.

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Usually it happens when I wake up. But because I have that reaction I could throw up in the middle of it. If you ever throw up post surgery you uave to infor.them if you go in for another so they are ready, just in case. You do not want to aspirate it.

I have while awake and it’s scary as hell. Burns. Had to give myself the Heimlech with the back of a chair.


I’ve had both those responses to anesthesia before. This time I was fine

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