I know why I could never come off meds

Yesterday I forgot to take my meds in the morning. And I realized while I was walking with my friend. And from the moment I realized I didn’t take my meds I started going crazy with the thought “I’m going crazy” or “I’m gonna go crazy”. And it’s a self fulfilling prophecy.

Even if I could function off meds, I would drive myself nuts thinking I’m gonna go nuts.


I didnt take my meds accidentally for one day and I was fine, overdosed accidentally by taking two in one day and now that was a different story as I actually felt more paranoid and psychotic

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I’d be fine if I doubled all my doses. All my meds are on less than half of the maximum dosage for that med. but I take 4 prescribed meds and they hit every corner, angle of my brain just right. :wink:

The combo is what does it for me.

I used to take 30 mg abilify, but now I only take 10, because my other meds have allowed me to go down on the abilify.

I just know I need them and they work.

If I wanted to stop the Zoloft, only, I can’t!!! Because Zoloft and naltrexone combines together to stop me from drinking any alcohol. If I stopped EITHER the naltrexone or Zoloft I’d be drinking every single night, and I don’t want that.

If I stopped the abilify I’d become psychotic too.

If I stopped the .25 klonopin, life just wouldn’t be as comfortable.

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Glad the meds are working for you


I’m with you, took me a couple years but I’ve finally found my med combo, if I don’t take it just right I feel wonky.

I’m a lifer, and that’s ok with me, life is better with the drugs


When I didn’t take it yesterday my eyes started to flicker on and off. I feel hella Disassociated and wonky as you describe. And an eery feeling that my brain isn’t working properly. And feelings of HPPD from shrooms.

When I take my meds I feel none of this… and skipping them 10 hours later I feel all of this.

Yesterday was the longest I went without naltrexone since I started it in dec of 2015.

My brain started to feel mechanical and the naltrexone makes me feel as if fairies are flying throughout my brain. (In a good way). Something magical about that med for me and it’s crazy!!!

Glad we found the right combos!! Thank god im an alcoholic and not just a shrooms addict. Otherwise never would’ve found this naltrexone and I’d still hella be suffering.