I know the answer

In my more naïve, desperate moments (like tonight) I wonder why people have to try to control and have power over me. Why do I feel their presence in my apartment? Why do they feel they have to force whatever their trip is on me. Life in my apartment shouldn’t be a constant battle to stave off mind games, playing with my mind, or when they don’t even try to hide the fact that they are trying to control me. Does it have to be this way?

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Is this really happening or do you need someone you trust to come over and try to settle it?

Do you take anti-anxiety pills?

I’d never relax without them.

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It’s tough knowing that it’s being suggested to stay home by the government. I don’t know if you have any belief behind blaming the government. But! You can almost blame them this time. Being couped up isn’t fun.

Maybe try rearranging your apartment. The presence may spend more time looking at how beautiful you made the place instead of being consumed by you.

I know what you’re going through.

Having a fight with my neighbour right now, via sounds and thoughts.

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