Staring off into space. I don’t know if it’s my meds or what. I’m on Haldol, Celexa, and benztropine. It happens all the time too.
Was it like that on 10mg?
I don’t remember. I’m not even sure it’s my meds
Well keep yourself busy. I keep music on, browsing the net, vaping, etc
I do that, its a daydream my mother calls it.
You just, …stare like a trance.
I think its some form of trance
I think its like catatonia but less severe. It was much worse off meds for me.
Yeah. It’s like I’m in a trance
Iv been doing it since i was a child. I think its normal
Off meds I used to stare at stuff like a wall for a long time and talk to it, it replied to me too.
I do that sometimes.i catch myself falling asleep.
Yeah. I just snap out of it but there’s no daydream. It’s like I’m devoid of thought
I bet your meds are causing that @roxanna
I guess its poverty of thought, a negative symptoms. Happens to me sometimes.
Yep. It’s perphenazine during the day.