OH well,
I can take critisism.
Only done it as hobby though.
But imma continue dancing and Maybe play The guitarr…
But i thought i was ok at it…
I say sing your heart out!
Don’t listen to the naysayers.
Sing like there’s no one watching.
@Yellowdiamond, I say listen to this person and concentrate on your dancing and guitar playing. After years of singing in karaoke, I learned from one dude in my audience one evening that I couldn’t sing. That guy was the one person that had enough guts to tell me the truth. I am grateful to him today. I’ve never sang karaoke since that evening.
I can’t play guitar but it certainly doesn’t stop me playing…Have fun.
You could stop singing, but why should you if you enjoy it? If you enjoy singing then keep on singing. Work on your singing and practice and one day you’ll be able to sing 'til your hearts content.
If I stopped doing things I enjoyed because someone me I wasn’t good enough, well I wouldn’t do much besides eat and sleep. If you enjoy it then keep at it!
“If you can walk you can dance, if you can talk you can sing” goes the old saying, if you’re really serious and want to improve, then you could take lessons, or just keep doing what you’re doing and enjoy it.
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