The cannabis experience will always be for me a foreign land, good for feasting one’s eyes for a few hours on its moderately picturesque vistas, but not somewhere I’d want to settle in. I regret nothing, not even last night’s farewell experience which involved for the first time paranoid fears of the shadow men I saw running on my walls, and the brief appearance of a large cross in the window. I also quit snuff tobacco last month and haven’t felt a thing. Only alcohol (in moderation) and possibly opiates remain.
Well, that’s good. If you think about it you don’t need to be engaging in illicit activities anyway especially one’s that are causing hallucinations. That’s a double whammy like playing with fire. I glad you made this decision.
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Thanks, I guess experiencing weed induced psychosis can’t be good for someone with my diagnosis, but to be honest I was more concerned about possible long-term effects on cognition.
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You are wise to protect your brain. I once was a very bright young woman. But now I’m slow.
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