I hope I have a good night tonight

I hope for a peaceful rest tonight and not having people read my mind and to be left alone. I thought last night a woman was talking to me telling me she wanted to be me. In the morning people told me I made an embarrassment to myself that I was talking to someone else. I don’t want anyone trying to communicate with me that way. Something bad always happens to me and I think they are hearing my intrusive thoughts and they want to kill me. What can I do about this? I hope I will make it tonight.

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Are you ok at the moment?

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I hope I won’t have a panic/anxiety attack tonight. I have some voices talking to me but I don’t want to talk to them because I don’t know what comes out in my mind just afraid it sounds bad.

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I know I’m not much help. Can someone come stay with you even if you don’t want anyone there?

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Yes I am ok at this moment but people say I won’t make it today. I want this to stop. Not say things I don’t mean.

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I wish I had a boyfriend or a brother that was a police officer, but I my friend here fortunately.

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What meds do you take,? I take perphenazine and benztropine,

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Clozaril and Busbar and clonazepam.

Holy ■■■■ I couldn’t take those how is clozaril ,going?

It is ok, I know I have to take a blood test every month.

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How have you been @roxanna? How are things going with you? I live in Northern California. Staying in a house I am renting. I wish this Covid 19 will lift soon. I would like to go out for tea or school.

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I’ve been alright. Fighting off the voices during the day. I am from Texas. I hope you get some sleep.

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Yeah everyone here has to stay home. Me too. I’m sick of this virus but we’ll make through.

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When do you think the stores will be open? May, June, or longer?

IDK my mom said April 30. Then may bleh

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