it needs some “elbow grease” on my part to get to the next “level.”
they say exercise helps rev it up.
i am trying to get there.
wish me and us all good luck please.
it needs some “elbow grease” on my part to get to the next “level.”
they say exercise helps rev it up.
i am trying to get there.
wish me and us all good luck please.
Good luck Judy!
You will do great
I’m hoping to get some extra energy by losing weight and then when I’ve lost enough, maybe some light exercise too.
Best of luck for 2017 @ifeelblessed
I hope to exercise and eat right so that I can lose some of weight that I gained from taking abilify.
me too jenny. I am hoping…
hugs to you, judy
I started taking a generic caffeine pill every day, but caffeine has a half life of 6 hours so it lasts 12 hours after digestion so I take it 12 and a half hours before sleeping. nowhere near as much energy as I have off medication but it’s an improvement.
Good luck! I am hoping to get some mojo too, this year
Be care with caffeine and other stimulants. After few months they can speed you too much and get you symptomatic (positive). Phytotherapy is commonly a few months long, enough to benefit effects but it is not recommended to be permanent.
Good luck on your goals. I want to improve my physical health as well. Hopefully, this will be the year I quit smoking for good. I also want to lose some weight, I gained so much weight last year.
ilovethaifood, good luck to you as well.
cheers to all of us that love our food. the trick is to live well and then everything including weight falls into place. I really think so.
I’m looking to take myself less seriously.
Thanks ifeelblessed.