I heard schizophrenics lack common sense

Like for example we gotta plan before going grocery shopping when people without sz just do it without thinking. I heard us schizophrenics is terrible with cash. Who thinks we should get double the income from government since we are sz and Sza


No. And nope lol


My common sense is iffy at times like hey it’s obvious put that on top first before that poor the box will fall down, to a regular person, for me I don’t think it is through and things happen that don’t need to happen. And more money for lack of? Not gonna happen lol

My mum takes care of all my financial stuff. She has my bank cards etc. I can’t be trusted with money.

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I have terrible common sense. I have to put reminders everywhere for me to do basic things like laundry, shower, and take my meds.

I’m also so bad with money. I recently spent over $400 on games and a new 3DS. Why? Because I had the money to do so.


I live over 18 miles from the nearest grocery store. So when I go to the store I will think about what I need and make a list. Just like so call normal people.
I handle my own cash. And paid my bills. With no problems. I would not want someone else to control my money.


I’m great with money, send me your cash and I will put it to good use :stuck_out_tongue:


My income is up and down, would be so much easier if the bills were always the same and the cash flow was always the same.

Got by 20 years in my business so I must have common sense in a lot of areas


@Mountainman My income is always the same. But my bills are not. But I still keep on top of them and usually have money left over to play with.


We’re crazy dude!

Of course we are a little behind in some areas.

Common sense isn’t the strength of normies either…



Don’t feel too bad, my wife does the same with paying bills and controling what I buy on steam games…lol


I have the opposite problem, I can’t spend money and I feel very bad if I do.


I need someone to control what I buy on Steam! lol

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I know right! Steam addiction. I just buy without thinking if I got money lol. Not the brightest thing but oh wells

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I buy a lot of stuff but I can control myself. Before going to grocery or supermarket, I plan what I’ll buy. But yeah, there were times I would spend a lot without checking bank account. But I think it’s not just with schizophrenics. “Normal” people do it as well.

It’s frustrating. When someone else is buying something I can see all
(well some of it) the bs to avoid. But when I’m the one buying and i’m in the middle of everything my mind is totally unreliable.

Growing up I had hardly any common sense. Later in life (I’m 37 now) I’ve learned some common sense and it’s one of the best things to happen to me.

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I have plenty of common sense.
The problem is that many “normies” don’t take me seriously because of my schiz diagnosis.