I have to go without insurance now

So i warned you all that the government of usa hates schizos. Because i talk to god and so obviously im a maniac. Destined for not being considered worthy of life.

So medicare refuses to send me a new card. After they changed all the numbers on us under trump.

So i get my new number not from medicare, becausr they wont give it to me. No. I get that from my case worker. Because now we all have case workers in dear usa.

So i thini great. Now i can sign up for insirance. Nope. They wiint help me. They tell me to call after the open enrollment period. Making exchses that i koved and they need to help the people that they need to help. Tyey say my insirance is good until december 31. Akd if i capl after the open enrollmebt peoriod, theh they can help me with a nee plan.

Which is toral crap.

And now i dont have any insirance for next year. Then i have to go without my pills. And turst me, these pills, aftet you are oh them for at least a yesr, put you ij hell.

Good thats all im going to die and the government od usa wants me o kill us all becahse they believe we are all mass murderers.

Isn’t right now open enrollment? Why can’t you use your Medicare and get a Medicare advantage plan? Then you only carry that card and not your red white and blue Medicare card

They simply wont let me. I have my medicare number. I dont have a medicare card because whrj they sent out new numbers they neger sent me one.

I tried calling o get one in october but medicare till hasnt sent it. Its after open entollnent noe.

Im sorry but they are killing us. And you need to know.

Look. This is the end of the schizophrenic in ameirca.

I have seen them drive is all homeless. Into prison. To all die there.

And now they cut me off of medicare. And medicaid. And its to kill me.

The doctor said to me two years ago, “you are smarter than the rest of them. What if you build a bomb?”

I was attempting to create impossible motors and generators for climate change. In the end, afrer all this time, nobody listened to me.

And everyone listened to the doctor.

I had the military, police, fbi and government all coming at me. And family sided with them.

And now its over. I cant get these pills. And when you are on these pills even for a year, try going without them and youll be in hell on earth.

Face it. I have seen our government kill so manu like me. They are saving nobody. They are in the business of murder.

I know that they are convincing all of you to get on governmebt pay and take your pills like good kids. But they only want me to die. Because in death, i cost them nothint. And in death, i cant carry out the terrorist attack that they believe in their delusional minds that ill carry out.

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