I have Post OPOSSUM Depression

Had another encounter with an Opossum. This time, though, he made it into the house through a hole for the dryer vent.

I was on the phone with SMOM. She said I got really quiet for a minute. The thing came over to me. I was less than 3 feet away.

I took action, got property management involved, and it was trapped and taken to the country.

Sigh… Now, I have Post Opossum Depression :joy: :rofl:


Uh oh!

Opossums scare me. They have super sharp teeth!!


Remember a couple of weeks ago, when one was under the house?

SMOM calls me The Opossum Whisperer. :crazy_face:



I’m glad they could catch it and relocate it. They’re quite beneficial in their environment.

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Omg, @anon9798425, I forwarded that already!

My Opossum was bigger than that one.

Thanks for the laugh!

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The good news is, opossums can’t get rabies. So you have no danger there. But yeah, scary to have one in your house.

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Did you know some people keep them as pets? No way! He stunk to high heaven. I’ve been cleaning all day!

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That’s good to know, @Ninjastar.

My SMOM kept asking me to take photos. Lol

Like I’m going to walk up to it and do a glamour shots session lol

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My neighbor feeds them so they will hang around her house, because they eat ticks.

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I read that, somewhere.

Thing is, I recently dreamed about Opossum in my home. That’s the reason my SMOM was laughing so hard.

I just hope that he didn’t have a family somewhere.

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"Question: Do opossums carry rabies?
Answer: Any mammal can get rabies. However, the chance of rabies in an opossum is EXTREMELY RARE. This may have something to do with the opossum’s low body temperature (94-97º F) making it difficult for the virus to survive in an opossum’s body."


I thought that was a real illness lol


Did it play dead :open_mouth:

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The real illness is Post partum depression lol


He just sat there. He had this horrible overbite lol


I have Post ‘bowl of cold cereal’ depression. It’s much more serious but treatable with two slices of toast.


We actually used to get those when I lived with my sister. We would see them running on the fence. One night we were in the living room and heard a racquet just outside. We went out to the back porch and the dog was sniffing at what looked like a dead opossum. It looked mangled and wasn’t moving.

We just left it out there and figured we’d dispose of it in the morning. In the morning we went out there and it was gone! The sucker had been playing dead! I always had only half believed that opossums played dead, I thought that was an old wives tale. But that opossum fooled us and the dog.

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Well the cure for that is a bowl of Grannie’s homemade opossum soup.


My dad said his grandfather ate possums. With sweet potatoes.

I’ve never tried it though.


You crack me up!

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