I have never in my life felt excitement!

I have never in my life felt excitement. I only feel really uncomfortable or feel anxiety.

I’m coming to realize that there’s something wrong with me. Like life robbed me of what’s normal to people.

People seem to seek out each other, feel joy and are after that rush of excitement.

I wonder what’s wrong with me??

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It’s called flat affect. It’s a negative symptom…


Ok. So not being able to feel excitement is part of sz?

Yes, pretty much.

It could also be “anhedonia”, take your pick…


Anhedonia is often overlooked probably because our pdocs are focusing on managing our hallucinations and delusions. I have been fighting this for many years and sometimes we have to look for small things in life that give us a tiny bit of enjoyment, something really simple like watching our favorite TV show or snuggling with our pet.


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