I have never been suspended so I'm curious

What do you see when you try to log on when suspended? Does it inform you that you have been suspended and tell you the length of time? Or does it just prevent you from logging in period. Just curious as to what you see since I have heard people say that they thought they were suspended when they were having trouble accessing the website and such. I think that it sends out an email as well.

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Why not get suspended and see :stuck_out_tongue:
Since you’re now a mod you can suspend yourself lol

Seriously, it didn’t send me an email but when I logged in it said I am suspended for this reason for this amount of time.


Thanks Aziz, was just curious.

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It tells you your suspended. And why. And also when you can come back.

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Thanks @Qwerty

We actually cannot suspend ourselves or other mods just FYI


This is what I would’ve thought, but people saying that they thought they were suspended for various reasons made me think they might not receive a clear notification. Thanks again for clarifying @Aziz and @Qwerty . I think I will close this thread since I have my answer.