I have delusions that the illuminati took my brain

My voices say that they are the illuminati and completely destroyed my brain and my mind feels numb and unable to think and I keep geeting led the scronisitys to proof this. Is any one else feel like there mind is gone?


I have lost my mind lots of times.

I would suggest you should try a different med if you have not already.

It took me 6 attempts to find one I am happy with


I am trying to get off meds cuz they dont work


How many have you tried?

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I believe that these small grey fuzzy creatures cut open my skull and steal pieces of my brain while I sleep. They’ve been doing it since I was a kid and replacing my memories with false memories or just stealing then altogether. I’ve caught them a few times, but no one believes me.

Qiut a few of them

Do u really see them?

Sometimes. Not always. Sometimes I’ll wake up with a pain in a part of my head and a headache and I just know they’ve been at it again. Sometimes I’ll see them and sometimes I’ll wake up and feel them. A few times I’ve had blood on my scalp or the back of my neck from where they’ve been cutting me.

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The meds didn’t work for me either @Jesse25

I’ve experienced something similar to this. I will feel burning out of no where and three scratch marks are welted on my upper neck. I see it form before my eyes, and no I did not scratch myself. I have also seen a deep scratch appear from under my skin out of no where, and it started to bleed. I wasn’t doing anything, just standing there. I always hear the machine/device and feel things also before I look and then see these scratches form before my eyes. I can’t explain it!

But why the illuminati? They haven’t been around for centuries. How come you chose them as your nemesis?

They chose this it all started when I was smoking weed and I saw the all seing eye of province behind my eyes then they started to say that they were that

The beings have told me they were that also. They have shown me they can become any person or object in the universe.

Yes my voices say this to and that they are gods they even say thst your a god I can never can be

Hang in there. You are still young. I think with age you will grow out of this. I had this kind of thoughts over 20 years ago, I was so frightened to talk about it. That was before the modern internet.

What did u think about?

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I thought i was batman and the world is after me. I wasn’t allowed to think anymore the voices took over. My guardian angel turned into a demon.

I’ve a delusion like that, that I’ve always been possessed by an another me perhaps, that kept me from being the healthier version of myself.

That’s exactly what happened to me the Angel’s turned evil and told me from being god to the weakest being. What got u out of it?

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Now iam getting the new delusion that they are all living in my body

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