All the junk food I take,soda drinks makes me feel like I didn’t make gain.Although I am still not fat or too skinny.My diet is Bad,I wonder if a bad diet affect how I think and feel,because I have been feeling negative lately
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I would say, still eat a good amount of carbs but get them mainly from fruits, veggies and starches. Even if they’re from combination foods.
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You mean wholemeal right?
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Well someone gave me the weird advice to avoid combination foods. It doesn’t work. Imo combination foods can be a good way to doctor up veggies.
If you mean whole grains, those are good. Wheat spaghetti is delicious.
Your in great shape, I’ve seen photos of you here on the forum.
Just stay away from junk food and you’ll be fine.
Thank you.I mean If I start eating better I might do better mentally?I am not sure,maybe also stresses me out as I cannot enjoy some of my favourite food
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