I have been unwell since last week Friday

And today is Thursday.

I know what would help is sleeping, so badly.

But every time I lie down to sleep, I get awful coughing outbursts.

And it stops me from sleeping.

What can I do to get better?

BTW, I tested negative for covid.

BTW, I keep medication as a last resort. Or for emergencies.



I am drinking pukka three mint tea.

And trying to eat home made food to see if I can boost my immune system

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Hey have some chicken noodle soup. It’s the American way


Thankyou Abise. I do like chicken noodle soup,


Drinking the tea should help.

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Thanks @eighteyedspy23… Yes I need to muster the energy to make more

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Do you smoke? If you do, take a break or slow down on it until you feel better.

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I don’t smoke, @eighteyedspy23

I’ve found a sleeping position where my cough seems to be be slighlty less violent this is good.


When I used to get a cough when I was a kid and a teen my dad would tell me to sit up in bed and try to sleep so I would do that. Don’t know if it helped or not. If you have a couch or a recliner you can try sleeping on those.


You could have a chest infection. Please go to see your family doctor.


Feel better @Zoe
Drink plenty of fluids including lots of clear tea, no milk or cream.

Yeah I agree with @everhopeful
Go see a doctor


Yea that’s what I’d like to do but it doesn’t really work I can’t sleep on my bed like that. However sleeping on my belly with pillow under chin seems to help… Thankyou

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Do you have cough drops in the UK. Here in Canada we have these…


They said I have absolutely nothing. I wasn’t even coughing when he was speaking with me. No congestion. No fever. No nothing. Lol he should listen to my coughing when I try to sleep


I just went through a flu infection over the past 10 days. Had violent coughing outbursts day and night. But now those flu symptoms have gone and I am alive again. I did go see the doctor and got some antiflu medicine.

So I think you should go see your family doctor and seek the help of medication. Hope you recover soon.

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If you have just sore throat and cough might want to try Indian ginger tea. Guessing you’re from UK might be bit familiar with it.

Might want to try a half table spoon of honey if you have got it. Helps with soothing throat.

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That’s good you got better after 10 days yea I think it will take me 10 days too.
I’m on day 7 and feeling better but not there just yet.

Yea ginger tea… But I spent all my money on Peppermint tea now.

Thanks though.

Glad to hear this @Zoe
Hang in there

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Hope you feel better soon. Enjoy the peppermint tea!

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