I slept in the woods with a blanket down the road from my parents house after they told me to come home. I was like “no”.
This other guy was a crack head and he was so high, he gave me a job after seeing me walk down the street, then let me stay in his basement, and I woke up with him standing over the bed and he asked me to fight him.
Whoa dude… you should get yourself set up in a stable environment. I’d advise you go home.
That was a long time ago. Thought it was a funny story though.
Oh jeeze man… ya scared me.
No bueno Angelo…
This feels appropriate. Well maybe not. Idk. Just feel it.
I once deluded that I was a polar bear. It was 8pm in December and everyone was indoors. It was cold and smoky from wood burning. I passed (on foot) a house where a mother was berating her kids for something. I just started roaring like a bear at her house. She came out and roared back at me. I moved on to where the high school was and saw two cop cars in the lot. Uh-oh. I turned myself in, and they offered me a ride home. I said no thanks. They eyed me warily as I headed for home. Nothing came of it, but I did get diagnosed a few days later.
Ya like to have attitude like me
Howdit going @anon1571434
Sleepy. 4 am where I am. Having my protein then going to sleep. What time is it where you are?
3 fell asleep watching tv at 9…feel like I was an old person
What kinda protein do ya have before bed?
I have tons of old people around me in my apartment building. They actually have the sleep schedule of a teenager.
I have Greek yogurt, oatmeal with Half a banana and some berries mixed in. Make intupperware In am and eat it before bed
Bah I am so hungry. My schedule is so off right now.
Mine, too. I’ve got good news…can’t remember if I told you
What is the good news!?
My qtc came back so good I was given the green light to do whatever i want and don’t have to go back for six months
I can have two cups of coffee and play flag football in 100 heat etc.
Woo! Congratulations! All your hard work paid off! I’m proud of you!