Just a bad few days. Some idiot used my address and they shut our electricity off. They moved. Dumb ■■■■■■ I don’t even want to go on. Just don’t feel good I’m sorry for wasting a thread.
Sorry you’re going through a rough patch. Things will improve.
I hope they have fun scraping me off the freeway.
That’s too bad. What exactly does lo fi mean?
Do you have bridges where you live?
I have to make a few phone calls. I just like lo fi
Actually, no river, no bridges. Why?
I worry so much about nothing. Depressed all time. My mind is tired and wants to give up.
I should just quit yapping and go sorry damn it
Don’t give up. Your not alone.
I Googled lo fi. We like you, imperfections and all.
If you are feeling suicidal or having a mental health crisis, please tell someone — a friend or family member, a teacher, a doctor or therapist or call 911 (if you’re in the U.S.) or the Emergency Medical Services phone number in your country.
You can also call a crisis intervention hotline—these are available in the U.S. and in many other countries. You do not need to be actively suicidal to benefit from a crisis hotline.
International crisis hotlines:
Crisis hotlines in the U.S.:
More resources:
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