I have been exposed to a corrosive. Working at the job cleaning cars. I found out it was a corrosive after a few days and yes…I look like a zombie now. It really hit me yesterday and the paranoia kicked in after doing research. Face, hands,eyes,airways…my whole body has been damaged. I can notice my hands,face for certain. I think that’s my death certificate. I washed my hair but now I feel like it traveled to my scalp…I think the money,pants,hoodie is all corrosive from cross contamination. I feel suicidal. My mom called trying to understand but it’s just to much going on. They got me. Everything has changed and online they said the damage will still continue to 14 days…meaning this isn’t to final product. I’m hurt,I’m upset, I suffered some burns. By the end of next week I’ll no if I still want to live.I’ll know that they won.
Go to hospital.
For what exactly
So glad you had a shower haete - it will have helped reduce effects. It must be painful to feel that way. Did you know something similar happened to a political guy (Russian maybe) a couple of years ago. He didn’t let them win… he remembered how happy individuals were when he did his best work. Maybe you can do the same… then they will not win.
It basically boils down to
And then plus if you have chemical burns, the hospital can help treat them.
See a doctor asap