One of the reasons I was so traumatized and terrified when I was delusional…such ugly ■■■■ I saw…still haunted…I hate my intrusive thoughts…they don’t happen very often but I had one about ten mins ago and I am so disturbed by what my brain comes up with…
You need to find a way to distract yourself when a negative thought pops up. There have been times when I was dwelling on all the awful things that happen. It’s best not to do that.
thanks buddy…yes I immediately look for diversion but the severity of the intrusive thought is like getting shaken up pretty bad so it’s hard to shake off initially for me…just pisses me off really…I’m fine…
My old psychologist helped me in that she showed me a study of people who have them, and apparently it’s 90% of even normies
I must say, my intrusive thoughts have gotten worse over the last few weeks since I tried to reduce my meds.
It feels like I have a Google assistant in my head as some times the intrusive thoughts help me in my thinking, and deficits. Can be useful, but other times unhealthy.
my visions that are intrusive thoughts are residual moments from when I was delusional…blasphemous ■■■■…shakes me up…def not healthy for me…
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