I have a sandwich in front of me and I'm not eating it

So how are you? Good I hope. What’s going on in your land?

Raisin bran at 2 pm, and a hockey game. Both good so far.

Awesome. Hockey is great; I guess you’re Canadian then?

Nope. USian. Just a nutty hockey fan.

Ha, I watch Hockey like I watch NASCAR, for the explosions.

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I made beans and toast, and I ate it. Yum yum.

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I’ve started a thread about food, what have I done? hides


A (now) empty coffee cup is always a good morning.
Lunch indicator is on empty, refridgerator full, sounds like movement in the back room will flip that indicator around.

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All these people eating, and your poor sandwich sits neglected :crying_cat_face:

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I may just eat my sandwich out of spite.

:scream_cat: :scream_cat: :scream_cat:

That would be so exciting for it! You should do it.

I will try.

Eating this sandwich in 15 characters or more.

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Is that a metaphor? I’d like to be your favorite Subway sandwich. A little spice for you apathy.

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I never knew so many people wanted to be my sandwich.

Good or bad, right or wrong, we need each other.

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Best thread of the day, right here!


3rd period delayed 20 minutes now, my team leading 4-0. How’s that sandwich coming?

Well it’s not in the fridge.

I just ate some of the chicken.

You’re teasing it!