I have a new “friend” who I think doesn’t actually

Like me. She’s very quiet. If my husband is present, she talks more.

People tend to not like me even though I’m always nice.

I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong

I wish I knew so I could correct it.

She and I have a double date coming up in 3 weeks with our husbands. I hope I don’t do/say anything wrong


If she doesnt like you thats her problem not yours. I would just look for other people to spend time with. You seem very likeable to me

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I bet you’re overthinking. She’s new and just hasn’t got to open up to you yet…give it time.


Thanks @Rainstorm . I struggle with social stuff.

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Thanks @jukebox 15

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I understand. I have two friends who completely did not respect me. I dont talk to them anymore but I still think of one all the time. I wish he wasnt getting free rent in my head! :rage:


You know, that’s a really smart way to think of that!

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I struggle to feel comfortable being social a lot too. It sucks. Maybe you should initiate the conversations with her more often? Or if not, try to find people who are more interested in you. Cause you seem intereting to me. Im sure they are out there.

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Thanks @Ozzyskits . I think she’s a genuinely good person so I think I’ll try to reach out a little more first before trying to find a different friend. Thanks for the advice :slight_smile:


Maybe she’s just reserved and feels awkward with one on one conversation, and having your husband there helps relieve her anxiety.


My experience is that people don’t like it when you’re always nice. They don’t think it is genuine and prefer if you show some personality


I have the same problem @LilyoftheValley. In fact, my so called best friend of 20 years just broke up with me today.

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I’m so sorry. How awful.


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