I guess I must have burned myself when I was making stir-fry. That’s the only thing I can think of. On that hot oil. But I didn’t feel it. Anyway one of the blisters broke and I’m feeling it now. It’s on a bad spot on my finger too where I hold things so I keep bumping it. It’s weird I didn’t feel it when I burned it.
that sounds annoying =/
when i was in the army i had blisters a lot, mostly on my feet when we went for really long marches… i always had to let the fluid out so it would hurt less…
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Oh, you were in the army? That’s so cool.
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yea i was in the army for 3 years…
wow, I bet you learned a lot.
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yea i learned a lot there… had to do many classes. I did a lot of engineering… building roads and doing maintenance on the vehicles and such.
neat, that’s really cool.
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That is really neat @lekkerhondje!
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