I hate what they did to my heart and soul

i always had a good heart and a beautiful soul. Now i wake up angry and i feel like the others, like at work, are trying to make me angry. this is so hurtful you have no idea. i am in love with love.

i try to keep my distance from them that do this to me but it is difficult.

thank you for ‘listening.’ i feel i share my soul with you and lots of friendship. thanks again,



I feel ya. Sometimes I missed myself, like what happened on me?:no_mouth:

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Hey Judy, sounds like you’re going through a rough patch. Your heart and your soul will have not changed, maybe just some stuff to deal with right now. You will shine back through :+1::blush::+1:

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sorry to hear you feel like that… i hope things get easier for you…

I’ve always felt that way about you, Judy,
but maybe never said so.

You are a kind soul.

I think everybody on here knows it.

Hurt is all around us,people don’t realize that.Your soul will always be good…
I’m with you for everything you wrote…

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I feeo like my soul is messed up too.

I agree with @Cragger. I’m sorry you’re going through a rough time. Hang in there. It should get better with time and treatment

daze what a kind thing to say.

it takes a kind person to recognize kindness in others!! So Daze …

you’re kind too!! judy


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