I hate special talents

Where I was a kid, I was also a lot better than the others in drawing and in other forms of art, and in sports, for me it’s very easy. Also, I have the ability to think really fast. I’m a software developer and because I can think fast, I can create software code so fast than my colleagues say that I’m a machine.

But I’m very bad in many domains. For example, I have a very poor social and emotional intelligence and I’m not so good in communication with others.

I think that everybody has his strengths and weaknesses and that make everybody unique.

I also think that not everybody has the ability to recognize his strengths. Some people have a low self-esteem and think they are good in nothing. It’s because some of us had parents who used to criticize and not congratulate at all. The persons who had such parents are unable to recognize their talents unless other people tell them.

Life would be pretty boring if we could innately do everything we wanted to do immediately. My sza really limits a lot of things that I used to do well but if I didn’t enjoy lifelong learning I would have killed myself a long time ago. Learning new things and skills keeps me going…important facts like that cockroaches have six teeth in their stomachs! Perhaps I could eventually aspire to cockroach dentistry…


I also taught myself to play the violin. I actually suck at it and have no musical ability, but I enjoy the screeching and grinding noise I make…it lets others appreciate more what a “real” musician can do, lol.


This is exactly how I feel about my guitar playing!


At least robots don’t whine incessantly.

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me too… i cant learn chords… its frustrating… i can keep to the timing and do pinch harmonics but all that falls on its face if you cant do the basics lol…


Th world doesn’t work that way. It’s a great ideal and a great concept but if you are a villager in a third world country barely surviving on beans and maize grown your 10’ x 10’ garden outside your hut you are probably not going to play in the Superbowl or give live concerts in stadiums in front of 60,000 screaming fans.

Some people are born with the right combination of attributes to achieve greatness in sports or music, others aren’t. Some people have more natural gifts than others. And that’s just the way it is. Talents often come about through luck, being at the right place at the right time, hard work and lots of lots of help.

And taking into account human nature, some people squander or waste opportunities that other people will not have their whole lives… I guess calling your post naive would be like the teapot calling the kettle black. I’m so naive that i think i am equal to everyone. Its an idea of mine that might come true if I moved to Oz or Narnia or Never-never land but on a day to day basis I am screwed in quite a few ways.


sorry @77nick77 you are awesome :o)

Or you can always make a tape too you know :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I have the talent of doing nothing and wasting my time.

I freakin bought a hand drum (djembe) and found out I have no rhythm. Meh…

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Oh, play that drum! You have a rhythm all your own and ought to let everyone know it!:no_mouth: (I couldn’t find a cyclops emoji)

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That’s kind of begrudgery/jealousy I think. Not cool. But I understand.

Variety is the spice in life


The separation began long ago.

It was, believe it or not, caused by the smallest wee little difference. I am not even ■■■■■■■ kidding right now, it was all because of this wee little difference, and it wasn’t even a big difference, maybe an inch.

I knew this sounded familiar - there is a sci fi dystopian short story by Kurt Vonnegut called Harrison Bergeron. Everyone is equal, no one is allowed to be stronger, smarter, or more beautiful than anyone else.


For those who are wondering, @Ninjastar is our forum equivalent of Diana Moon Glampers.

Word up!


p.s. I prefer to live in a different novel universe where @Moonbeam is ‘Eccentrica Gallumbits’. (Hee hee.)


this tiny difference you talk about…is actually huge… specialization in a specific niche could mean the difference between extinction and thriving…

in more modern thinking…when firing a weapon the small rise and fall of your own breathing can be all the difference between hitting the target and completely missing… so the difference may be very tiny less than an inch but the outcomes are drastically different… so the variation may seem tiny but the gravity of it all is actually huge…

holy shitballs that’s hilarious…i will admit I had to google it… but now I kinda wish I didn’t lol… also @Moonbeam I do not agree with pixels fantasy ideals on you lol…


I think you are not using a word intensely, that is MONEY. And solution goes through it. If all jobs are based on commission even labour are also given to their legitimate right, than conditions are different.

Unfortunately life is not like a sims game where you can pick and choose traits, but even in sims you have to work to build skills up


I wonder how much of our innate talent gets squandered by our own vices, laziness being the biggest?
Should we consider ourselves lucky that we have Sz to blame for our luck instead of ourselves?
Makes for a plausible story…everyone should be so lucky.