I hate private profiles

Why do people feel the need to do that. I enjoy seeing about people. I like seeing their stats and finding out about what they’ve been posting about. It’s helpful when someone is struggling to see their history of posts to see if they’ve been posting negative or weird threads. It’s just helpful. I like knowing where people are from and a little about them, it’s friendly. A private profile is just weird. Plus if someone is suspended you can’t see it.


I agree.
I feel it’s just a way to indulge people’s paranoia


I like seeing who people talk to the most and finding out what they look like from their post a selfies. I think there is a lot of negative opinions of what people do when they go on their profiles though.


I personally don’t have mine private. I don’t mind people reading my stories or past posts, going on to see what I look like, or just observe.

I’ve never had any negativity from keeping my profile open.

That being said, I fully support a persons right for anonymity. People have paranoia about who’s viewing them, reading their past, judging them, gathering info on them. All forms of possible paranoid delusion. If being hidden helps them, I support their decision.

I’d like it to be a perfect world where everyone was as comfortable as I am, but…

Just a llamas opinion,


I get that too, but it makes me uncomfortable


I guess I would only use a profile for positive reasons but others might use it for negative reasons so I could see why someone would want to keep it private, I guess. But in a perfect world we wouldn’t need to.

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I once had someone here cyberstalk me and try and use my participation in this community to discredit me in a complaint against a bad teacher my daughter had. It backfired badly on them, but it taught me to be more circumspect in my public dealings in support communities.

My profile stays private.


I hope I ok @Leaf. I dont think my profile is private.

your profile is private.

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I like being private. I don’t want people to discover me.
And see wen I’m on.
Hope its OK…


It’s fine, I should not have said anything

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No it’s OK :slight_smile:we are all different :slight_smile:



now try @Leaf i think i fixed it

Yes you fixed it and now I can see you are engaged and program in c++ that’s cool.

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Private profile as a sz…yea thats so strange and out of character…


Ur profile pic is so cute…


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I am both engaded and minorly c++ programmer. i mainly fix computers hardware.

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