Oh im sorry for being boring again. But what if you find a passion for a new thing that you never had before?
@anon17552271 i am a male member from Nepal.u are female right…!!! Are u from Bucharest. .???
Im from romania but for now i live in Italy. By my name what do you thonk i am male or female?
I think it sounds female.
I think u are a female…!!! Right samira…
Dont be naughty @far_cry0
Be nice
So what s the problem if i am romanian living in italy and having a “turkish” name
Haha they are just kidding. .!!! Ur english is good… i dont have proper English skills… holy cow…!!!
You are 3 in one
Apropo am baut mai devreme un 3 in 1 lol @anon17552271
Thanks, but my english is far from being good.
Bei cafea cu tratamamentul care il faci?
Cea mai tare gluma, serios
Beau vreo 7 nesuri instant pe zi, mersi
In exces poate dauna. Ai grija.
This is anti boredom thread i like it
I was thinking the same thing
Guys i’m going right now to drink 3 coffees one after another and smoke a pack of ciggaretes.
Wish me luck
Vezi sa nu mori
I used to be so bored that I could not even stand just lying in my bed all day. So I’d jump on the bus and just travel around aimlessly.
Dont smoke bro. Not good for health. @anon51414962… coffee is good tho…