Now it’s day #2 symptomless. Absolutely no symptoms. I don’t count occasional slight anxiety as any symptom.
I’m going on 20 years myself. I’d say nearly every day. Well I’ve had hallucinations and delusions my whole life and I’m 29 but I became really ill when I was 13.
My ocd/ptsd started around 11 or 12. Maybe earlier on the ocd/counting nonsense. Would say I entered delusions at 14 or so. Been getting better some setbacks though since I realized there was a problem.
But now I’m symptom free. Don’t give up.
I can always get better but rn I’m at the top of the hill watching the sunset from the mountain.
Feels nice
That’s awesome dude. I’m happy for you. I feel like I’ll always experience MH symptoms in some form tho
Is it delusions or hallucinations??
Or both.
Sometimes you’re stuck with the hallucinations. But I think delusions there’s hope for that. Whether it seems so or not
Lamictal was the final piece for me I feel. Only been on it 4 days already great
Hallucinations are the least of my concerns. Delusions are my biggest issue with sza. I also have ocd generalized anxiety autism and ptsd.
I heard hallucinations a week ago or so. But yeah delusions always plagued me too. Especially when ppl reinforce your delusions and then OTHER ppl put you down for it. Hard to let go when you were told you’re something…you’re later mistreated for. But it all clicked to me after a lamictal and a bowl. Delusions felt gone
I feel that way when I get a med change but they always creep back in
Yeah, i started experiencing mental health problems during my first year of University. I think I was 19, I’m 43 now so that is 24 years. It’s was never every day though, on and off, some bad stretches that would last for months though. Except for the insomnia I am experiencing, in every other way, symptom wise, I’m doing better now than I have over the past 24 years so I am content.
On the whole im symptom free too. I sometimes have a slight wobble in the last week of the jab - and i will up the pills accordingly. Usually its people that will aggravate my MI - thru pissing me off.
Compared to 20 years ago - im a far different person. Mostly cos im medicated properly now, and ive got a bit of wisdom now thru age.
Oh it’s a bit medication, and a big piece of perspective too. But mostly medication
I mean the medication doesn’t do all the work. But without it I’d be hopeless for sure.
I was on the Depokate injection at 19, with a “paranoid psychosis” Dx, living in supported housing. Then some bright spark decided to believe me, when i said i was lying - and copped the EUPD diagnosis - where they took me off it. It all went downhill from there.
It took a full on relapse witnessed by the Shrink years later, and after being made to suffer for 8 months bonkers - I finally got the schizophrenia diagnosis.
Finally got the proper meds then. 3 Days going thru side-effects being weaned onto increasing doses of Risperadone. And my lights came back on! lol
Like dat
Was a much more gradual process for me personally
It was more like “ok I can feel my arms again”. Then I could feel my legs. Fingers toes. Head finally. Now I’m back in focus and etc etc.
Haha Good one. Yes seriously it was that quick. I spent 2 months writing letters to the nurse and showing them to the Thermostat in the wall - cos i i thought it had a camera in it
What med(s) are you on? You’re so lucky to finally be free!
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