I had eye test today

I had a really good eye test today, I lost my glasses last week and this morning i lost my spares just before i went for the test. (the cafe is right next to my optician)

But i had my test and the lady who gave it was really beautiful and she was pregnant, she said my eyes dont show any signs of degeneration (i thought i could have inherited something) she said it could have been side effects of my meds but i thought it could be psychological.

My eyes have been the best they have been for years today and idk why, i really hope it stays this way but idk if it will


Glad your eye test went well!


Cool that your eye test went well.


Glad it went well @Resilient1.

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really great that it went well =)
happy for you!

I’m happy for you. I hope you continue to have healthy eyes. Did you pick out a new pair of glasses?

yeah, designer ones, Tommy Hilfiger, they look ok, my eyes were a bit sensitive again today :frowning:


I’m sure they look great on you. I hope your sensitivity goes away soon

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