I had a job interview today

Making more steps! It’s not owning my own business yet, but at least I’m moving in the right direction.

The interview was with Firestone, an auto service shop that specializes in tires. I’d be an entry level technician, doing basic stuff like oil changes while I learn. Pay won’t be great, but there’s plenty of room for advancement.

I think I did well on the interview, I was nervous but not as badly as I thought I’d be. They asked me some questions about repair, like what it means if the brake pads wear unevenly, and I think I answered them all correctly. I’ll know Monday after next if I got the job. Wish me luck!


good luck, I hope you get it.

Always wishing you the best…

Good luck… :thumbsup:

Good luck! Wishing you all the best

good luck wishing you the best

Good luck to you! Wishing you the best.

Wish you all the best!

Good luck! You totally got this!

Wish you all the best! Good luck!