So I hadn’t been on in awhile due to hospital visit… Bout 3 weeks in and it’s been about 4 weeks out…
I feel changed in ways I can’t explain and the “voices” r more really now than they were when I started on this forum …
I’m also facing some memory issues that I didn’t have before I went into the hospital and trying to adapt to my new self within society or what I think is the normal reality since my 2 reality’s have now intermingled…
I don’t know honestly I’m back on meds but at such a high dose… 50 shot of rispodal plus 3 1/2 pill of it and the things in my head just seem worse… There more real and becoming my reality…
But the food there was good and helped me get on a normal type diet… lol…
Ya I’m persecuted in my mind and persecute myself… But have never had thoughts that others where unless they are my “voices” speaking through them…
The hospital was actually the most normal I’ve felt since going in… I don’t really understand the outside anymore but I still live it since I don’t have a choice…
Didn’t mean to laugh at u just at thought it was kinda funny…
Lol! That’s so great! Probly wasn’t at the time but that would have cheered me up if I heard that in there and I probly would have started trying to do the same thing…laughing at myself the whole way…
Laughter seems the best way to get through in the hospital plus make as many friends as possible… Keeps me occupied and distracted and away from myself…
There was a sign on one of the Hospital floors like this…
I thought it was put up to make fun of me…like I wasn’t allowed in that area of the hospital because I was a Nut!! I was tracing the sides of the sign with my finger to see how freshly the sign had been put up. Again I complained to my Nurse that someone was mocking me!