I got rear-ended

I am glad you are safe. :bear::bear::bear:

I am such a dreamer but when I was rear ended a couple of years ago, all I could think was that it had undeniably happened irl. Sudden, unexpected and one of the reasons I sold my car.
ps, I’m glad you’re ok.

I keep thinking people on the radio are talking about me. One time I was delivering pizza, and this guy was on the station talking about a pizza delivery person who was being rude. I had been in a bad mood and kind of surly that morning, very unprofessional. It sounded like he was talking about me. Another time I had a bad cold, but I went on a group outing at this “apple festival”. The Red Cross was on the radio saying, “Stay away from people who are sick. If you’re sick stay home.” I’ve gotten several other “messages” from the radio. It can play on my mind sometimes.

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I understand completely! I remember when I had my first episode and ALL these crazy things happened like the convenience store giving me a free Coke for no reason and then, the same day, Starbucks giving me a free Frappacino. TONS of bizarre things happened but I was in my car and a comedy skit was playing about ‘hidden cameras’ RIGHT when I KNEW hidden camera’s were watching me. The radio said “Smile! You’re on camera!” i have NEVER heard that on the radio besides the ONE time I happened to be in the middle o fan episode where weird sh*t keeps happening and I think there are camera’s everywhere.

You wouldn’t believe all the bizarre crap that I have had happen. ANYONE would think they are being watched! Even a sane person!

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Veeeeery often though, they are not.
Yes, the law will rule in your favour. That doesn’t mean you couldn’t have prevented it.

If you break too suddenly with little to no indicatiom, there’s a genuine risk of someone slamming into you and you have to account for that.

My dad told me to always assume the other drivers will not be following the rules.
Prepare for the worst, drive for the best.


Then how come I am not rear-ending people? Since the person in front of me could be to blame as your suggesting?? You’re f*cking hilarious! Suggesting I could have “prevented” bad drivers from running into me! Go into stand-up comedy!

My dad always told me to look around at all of the other people driving around you. Think about the dumbest thing they can do, and then be prepared for them to do it.

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On the car I bought my brakes don’t work perfectly when they are wet. Im a little worried I might rear end someone.

This is what she is saying. Maybe you are someone who lays on her break and doesn’t realize it, even if there’s no one in front of her. Those people exist. I wind up behind them all the time – they break, and no one is in front of them.

We don’t know. We can only take you at your word, and 7 times is a lot to be rear ended.

Again, could just be that you have shitty luck while driving. Most people these days don’t pay attention to what they’re doing because they’re on their phones.

I used to be a very aggressive driver, but since all of the phones, I am far less so, because it’s not worth the risk.

I’m glad you’re ok from your accident. Just keep a head’s up.

Once again. I am FIFTY TWO and I have been driving in the second or third worst traffic in the country (depending on the year) and I have NEVER rear-ended anyone! You really don’t think ANYONE has ever slammed on their breaks in front of me? OF COURSE they have! I stay back far enough that it doesn’t matter if they slam on their breaks! Slam away! Break as fast and hard as you can! I am NOT going to hit you because I stay BACK. lol! This is funny to me :slight_smile: I appreciate the entertainment! It’s a bummer that I have been rear-ended so many times but I ain’t ownin’ it! Sorry folks! I stayz BACK and so should the car behind me! Period!



Anyway…Just to add something to this conversation. I think we learned in drivers education that you are suppose to have one car length between you for every 10mph.

I have no intention of getting into the argument over whether or not the accidents were preventable :stuck_out_tongue: .


I got rear ended last year. No damage but I definitely felt it in the base of my back for a couple of days. Glad you are okay.


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I felt like I had whiplash right after it happened but it has since resolved. I didn’t see it coming. I was looking ahead. Anyway, No injuries that I am currently aware of, so I am grateful. Glad you ddin’t get hurt in your accident:) That’s good news!

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Even though YOU don’t rear end people, you may be driving in a way that makes it easy for people to accidentally rear end you.
And even though people SHOULD keep distance, a lot of folks don’t and you need to account for that

But yeah, I guess it makes waaay more sense to absolve you of all responsibility and ensure you it’s because of a consipacy targeting you specifically.
Because that’s the logical conclusion a smart person would support.


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