I got in a fight in high school, with a bully

I got in fight with a bully in high school. I am making this short. The bully threw a firework in my car…and burned my console. I beat him up. They called him Fabio, because he was muscular. He was like 6 feet 2 inches. I was like 5 feet 10 inches.


Although I don’t condone fighting i must ask - did you win?

yes, I slammed him down…and his head hit the concrete…and he had a scab on his forehead, the next day at school. I think he got a concussion.

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Cula banula. Well done!

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A similar incident happened to me in middle school. I was being bullied daily. The school was even notified about it. They did nothing. I ended up having enough of it and beaut up my bully. He ended up going to the hospital with a triple concussion. His family pressed charges and I ended up going to juvenile hall. I have mixed feelings about it and regret having sent him to the hospital. It was a horrible experience and an ordeal for me to have to deal with as a youth.

When I became a U.S. citizen a few years later I had my record sealed while I was still a minor.

Honestly the fight only lasted 5 to 8 seconds at most. When the fight started he got down and started throwing windmill punches, I took a half step back and caught him clean with a straight right hand that caught him flush in the side of his forehead around the temple. He was dazed and I punched him around 8 to 12 times, he fell to the floor then I kicked him once in the face. I don’t remember being punched too much as most of the windmill punches skidded off the side of my head. He was a football player and bigger than me. He bullied a lot of kids and so some of the freaks and geeks (which I sort of was) hailed me as a hero.

I don’t like fighting or being viewed as a violent person for that matter.

I really hate having to fight. In jail one of my cell mates took my mattress and was treating me like ■■■■. Eventually I was forced to fight him for my cot. I beat him up but not too bad. I hated the feeling of being stuck in there with him. When he was dazed I had to hold him and tell him, “It’s over, it’s over. You won. You ■■■■■■ me up.” Because he was still very aggressive. It took about 30 minutes before he finally calmed down enough for us to lay back down on our beds. Thank goodness we were moved to different cells afterwards. I was honestly terrified he’d try to stab me with a pencil.

Later on I got ceremoniously jumped by three gangbusters for 13 seconds. Afterwards we shook hands. It was something that according to them had to happen for reasons of respect. I hated being in that module of the jail too. Eventually I was moved to the psychiatric module. Which was by far much better and safer. Before that I had not gotten in a fight since I was a kid.

Jail really socks. Sometimes you are forced to have to stand your ground and fight or else you get punked by everybody and end up getting beat up often and bossed around. Even worse things can happen like being sexually abused.

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Windmill punches?! And he claimed to be a tough guy?!

That bully got what he deserved. Personally, I’m very reluctant to fight. I’m not saying that is good or bad. It’s just the way I am. When I get off my med’s I get very aggressive. I will fight then. But when I am on my med’s you just about have to get right in my face, make a dire insult, and then try to hit me to get me to fight. That has happened before, so it is a good thing that I can fight if I really need to. But the med’s have cut my strength way down. Before I was put on med’s I could do 2,000 repititions on a jump rope any time I felt like it. I’d miss like once a year. I weighed 175 and bench press 285. Now I’m 63, and my strength has greatly ebbed. I’m very sedentary. I still got some punches, though. If I catch somebody with a hook to their body it is going to hurt them.


This one guy used to hit my arm to get a muscle reaction so finally I had enough and smacked him upside the head right in front of a teacher. No punitive measures were taken.

You were on your own at my little redneck school.

There is probably a drug or app for that? Widgets are the result of exploitation.

I am reminded of this old movie titled, “Muntany on The Bounty”

And the “Lord Of The Flies” The Conch

I love a good example of healthy street Justice. Solid work Jake. Some people can’t be reasoned with verbally. And only understand the application of Force.

Good Post thanks for sharing those experiences. Glad you got moved to a psych unit and eventually released!

and what was his story of the tale Jake?

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