I don’t know what to do, I am in a huge dilemma about whether I should defer or not … Will my negative symptoms obstruct a education in a difficult major?.. Will I turn suicidal again due to stress… I am from India and I need to think about spending in pounds… I did handle Cambridge A levels very well… So, what do you think?
Ya, I would do it. Can you afford it?
Oxford is a fine institution. Give it a go, if it is to hard and stressful quit. You can always quit.
Yes of course… My parents are rich and they are ready to pay for it
Maybe make sure your meds are in order and you are doing well before you leave.
First of all congratulations…
Secondly, I’d say yea definitely go for it! If you want to.
But,when you feel more confident that you can handle the stress.
Maybe defer it for a year if that makes you feel better.
So you can develop a stress coping tool kit.
That’s exactly what I thought
Ya, imagine it’s like harvard or mit and you’re doing math so it’s extra hard. Are you schizophrenic or schizo-affective disorder?
First off, congrats. Second, make sure you can take your medication and get it prescribed there.
Don’t push yourself too much. I’m sure you’re smart enough to do it. What are your symptoms, I’m curious.
Do you have negatives at all?
I am going to spend a month at a hospital… We have something called psychiatric rehabilitation which might help
Oh, what a great thing!!! Go for it, you should definitely try it!!! Dont think of the worst now, you are probably better than you think
Big congratulations though, it’s a success story this, dear!!!
Follow your dreams, maybe you’ll get even better with that
I have simple schizophrenia that means I only have negative symptoms
Congratulations!!! I say if there’s any chance at all you can succeed, you should go for it!
I gave up a scholarship to law school because of problems in my life. I’ve regretted it ever since
You got admitted to law school with scholarship …great … That means you have degree… Was that before getting diagnosed?
Yes. I have a bachelor’s degree. Back then I was in and out of psych wards a lot though. I got diagnosed as bipolar back then. Now it’s sza.
First of all, congratulations! That is quite an honor. I think you’ll have to answer this question for yourself. Can you start the classes, and then bail out with no consequences if it is too much for you? You might consider that.
My parents say that if I leave the course midway then they will never send me to any college anywhere… I depend on them for money
Okay. Then forget what I said. It isn’t an option. Do what you think is best.
I will go to rehab and then think
Sounds great… Get all the help you are entitled to. Might help.
Hey, congrats on being admitted!
That’s a great major, I did some online courses to learn python, on doing so I found out that most models they use in data science is based on statistics. Learning the math behind them makes it easier to apply the models.
In health issues my best advice is to search for a special needs program. Sometimes they have those kind of programs with some benefits, like extra time or whatever they think of. In my case they give me an extra exam to pass.
You definitely should go for it, test yourself, that’s a great major.