Sooooo I got a job cleaning up offices at night
I get anxious trying to find the right places but I think it will be ok
It’s hot, painstaking work and I’m only getting $11 an hour
How ever I think I can save up some extra money for whatever
Last time I cleaned two whole floors top to bottom all by myself
Congrats @Cloudd3ad !
Congrats on getting the job!! You’ll do great. Cleaning is one of those job that can be therapeutic even if demanding. Wishing you the best!
Absolutely true ---- I find it gives me a sense of purpose, seeing some things dirty made clean is a cleansing process
Congratulations on the job.
Congratulations @Cloudd3ad
Congratulations!! I hope you like it
Congrats @Cloudd3ad …
Congrats on the new job. I’m sure it will get easier as you develop a routine.
That’s wonderful. Good job on finding something you feel reasonably fulfilled.
$11 an hour!!! What a rip off. In Australia you’d get double that to work as a cleaner. How do you survive? Is everything else cheap to compensate you?
Anyway - congratulations on the job no matter the pay. I hope you enjoy it and do well.
Congrats on the new job! I hope you like it.
There’s nothing wrong with that, Ashton Kutcher first got a job as a janitor too. Sweeping. And I’m also getting a job as a utility Worker which is something similar. Good luck!
I think 11 an hour if we’re given as being special needs and given extra consideration for our illness is possibly a fair wage. I would argue that with inflation is a little less then it used to be but still, its a job and there’s no snobbing someone getting one.
I’m not employed but I’m seriously considering what my options are. I have fairly expensive medicines so whatever I do I have to consult eventually with someone about how I survive rent+food+medicine on menial work that I might be able to do.
If I had to guess it could be possible with the right insurance, but I need to consult with a professional about that before I persue the ticket to work program
Congrats night jobs are so the best jobs out there for me atm.
Wow I didn’t expect so many replies
Thank you kind folks for the support
So far it feels like despite my best efforts I could still use improvement
I’ve only worked 2 days though
It’s not much fun but better than the dishwasher job I had
Work is broken down into phases, I cleaned two whole hospital floors all by myself last Friday
This includes my sweep dust wipe stock vacuum mop clean sterilize empty trash etc
Congrats @Cloudd3ad!
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