I get this sensation

I’ve never known how to describe it. I’ve gotten it my whole life. It’s in the front of my head. It feels good and bad at the same time. I get it when someone does something stupid and I can’t say anything about it. I get it other times too. It’s kind of a tingling/humming/pressure. Like someone put their nails down a chalkboard mixed with euphoria. ahhh. Well anyway, I’ve got that feeling right now for no reason. I’ve been getting it a lot lately. Probably have a brain tumor.


“nails down a chalkboard”

Visiting my mother-in-law

“mixed with euphoria”

Leaving my mother-in-law’s


I get these weird feverish sensations where I feel like things are changing width lol I don’t know how to describe it one time I had this sensation with the chicken pox and I felt like I was on the ceiling

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