I would close it, but I chain smoke in the kitchen, so I keep it open as I am trying to ventilate the room so the smell doesn’t travel into the rest of my flat.
It’s not acceptable. People live in these places and they’re home to them. I bet they’d get really bent out of shape if other people did it outside their home. But they might not even care.
The problem is I feel threatened by it. Probably due to trauma of past unfortunate events, but I just find it very triggering and don’t understand what’s happening just outside my home.
I have the same problem but with walking past groups of teenagers. I get intimidated and paranoid. On one of my walks the other day I walked past a group of teenagers and I’m sure they were shouting and calling me a fat ■■■■■■■. I had my earphones in and couldn’t make it out but was pretty sure. They wasn’t looking at me or anything when I heard it. I think I was just paranoid. I did feel confrontational but didn’t say anything.
When I’m sitting or standing by a window at night and I hear people outside shouting I get paranoid too - I believe they are going to shoot me through glass and I want to get away from window
There’s a lady here that screams ten to fifteen minutes outside the apts. She eventually shuts the up. Jesus. Don’t worry it probably has nothing to do with you.