I get an "A" for good behavior

I mean most people take it for granted and I guess I do too. I’ve only had two incidents of bad behavior in the thirteen years I’ve been at my current job.

I’ve only gotten one complaint and that incident occurred on the road in front of work when I passed a car on the left that was going extremely slow. I thought nothing of it but when I parked and was going into the building this female soldier ran up to me crying saying over and over, “Why did you do that?” My boss from the army reserve witnessed this and complained to my boss who called me in the office and chewed me out. The boss from the army said as soon as she calms down to apologize to her. Then he added, “She’s just a drama queen” and I never had to apologize. That happened over ten years ago.

The only other incident was my symptoms acting up. I had the delusion that the soldiers in the parking lot were trying to make me mad with the timing of them getting out of their cars. So once this lady was getting out of her car and I yelled at her. We exchanged words briefly and then went inside. The funny thing was I knew her and I went in her office all the time and it was such an awkward situation that for the next year we were super polite to each other. That was like 9 years ago.

But I work in an army reserve office building and I often work in close proximity to the soldiers and sometimes I need to talk to them and I have only acted inappropriately just those two times and both incidents took place in the parking lot outside. And believe me the soldiers piss me off sometimes but I handle it. I’m kind of proud that I’ve acted appropriately for so long.


Thirteen years at the same job is quite an achievement. I agree that you get an A

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