I was in my car about to turn out of the shopping center and a lady knocks on my window…Asking for a couple dollars because she only had $1 she said. Idk if she was homeless or just didn’t have money. I reached for my center console and there was $13 or $14. I gave her $2. I feel I should’ve given more. I felt guilty right away. Now I’m dwelling on it.
I’m not trying to make myself look like a good samarian with this thread…I legit feel guilty.
I felt I should’ve given her $10 and then karma gods would’ve rewarded me. Now I’ll never have that chance again
I doubt I’ll see her again, I live in a big city with a lot of people. The thing is I handed her $2 and she said “please”, she thought I wasn’t giving it to her. Her reaction time seemed slow.
I gave another guy $5 in quarters like 6 months back on my way to work.
But idk I felt guilty this time. She barely thanked me so I felt bad. If I had given her $10 I would’ve made her day. Thanks for your post though.
Hey, give yourself credit. That’s two dollars more than she had before and she probably appreciated it.
I’ve been in positions where I only had twenty-three cents to my name to put in my gas tank just to make it home. You don’t know how much that two dollars meant to her, it could have meant a lot.
Maybe she didn’t react all excited because I was displaying bad anxiety at the time and kind of acted resentful in giving it to her. Like “oh, I have to give her money now”, even though I wasn’t thinking that. I kind of had a flat affect as I get when I get anxious. Might’ve thrown her off a little, but she probably did appreciate it now that I think of it.
There have been times when I was on the road and people have given me $5.00’s, $10.00’s, and $20.00’s unasked for. They helped me a lot, too. I’m not saying you have to be that generous. I’m sure the $2.00 you gave that woman helped her. When you’re in that situation every little bit helps. I would also be careful that the person might be only posing as homeless. That can happen. I have passed up giving money to someone who claimed he was homeless because he didn’t look quite legit. When I want good karma I give money to Doctors without Borders and Amnesty International. I intend to give money to the homeless too, since other people have given me money when I was without a home.
Good call. I can always donate money if I’m feeling guilty.
Whether she was homeless or not, she had the will to knock on my window and ask for money…So I’m not too upset about handing over $2 to someone who may not even be homeless.
She didn’t appear mentally ill, but the last guy I gave $5 to was definitely suffering from mental illness. Not saying that’s a necessary provision for being homeless, but the last guy came off as someone who didn’t have a home.
Then the next week same time he was at the same spot and I said no that time. I shouldn’t have to have a toll booth outside my apartment. I think the next lady called the police on him cuz I saw her yelling at him, then I never saw him agian.