I froze my brain too much

I have nose bridge pain, between eyebrows, so I took 500mg Tylenol and put icepack between my eyebrows for too long. Now I feel my brain is frozen, I feel very slow frozen thoughts. Its painful from too much cold and I still have nose bridge pain :slightly_frowning_face:

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Sorry to hear that. I hope it goes away soon.


Should I take another Tylenol?
On the bottle it says take two more if one is not enough…

I am making hot tea hoping it heats up my brain a bit.

I drank 2 cups and I am better. It was just a brain freeze.


No I wouldn’t take another Tylenol @Aziz.
3 Tylenol tablets would be too much at once.
Tylenol is hard on the liver.

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Yea I just took one so 2 in total.

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