My only dark secret . It took a lot out of me but I’m glad to have told her. This session was mainly me talking about my ocd and how my secret makes my ocd stronger. But anyway I’m proud to have told her.
Good job proud of you
that’s great yea!
I like your new avatar.
You did well Moon. I am sure this will be the start to receiving better help.
I’ve been hiding this secret for 6 years which feels way too long! Since then my ocd has been very bad.
So, how did your therapist respond? Was she supportive and kind?
Very. I even told her I thought her opinion of me hadnt changed like I was expecting
So, you took a chance of losing her respect. Good for you. I’m glad you did.
Good job, Moon! That’s great.
BTW, your new icon picture is pretty cool!
Must feel good to be able to finally open up about something you’ve hidden from everyone for so long.
And I think you did choose wisely to whom.
You can trust it to remain confidential
Good job! That must have been so hard. I’m glad some of that burden has been lifted from you. I know how it feels. Now you can process through it with your therapist and come out a happier, and healthier you
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